Nice Nerds finish last

You may not be aware of this paradox. A pretty, socially adjusted, nerdy girl. If you find such an animal… approach with caution. For we are easily spooked.

The challenge facing such a unicorn is that a male counterpart is rare and hard to find. And much like the search for Big Foot or The Loch Ness Monster it is a pursuit that requires devotion and discernment. The funny thing, is that people always say things like “Guys must love you” or “I bet the guys go crazy.” And yet… I see no evidence of this. Trust me I’ve done my research! I’m nothing if not thorough.

So, here are my findings… There are 2 kinds of men. Nerds and the rest of you. You know which category you fall into!

For the latter, if we were, say, on a date and I started waxing poetic about:

David Tennant And Matt Smith To Appear Together On The Graham Norton Show

David Tennant vs. Matt Smith…


or the various forms of lightsaber combat…

Cylon!  Reboot centurion

or how much I truly believe that Siri is a primitive form of Cylon… you’re eyes would start to glaze over. And the look I’d get would be one of utter confusion and fear.

For the former, we would never even get to a first date, much less an opening line, because you’d be too afraid to talk to me, but would secretly be in awe of my knowledge of say…

the Millenium Falcon schematics…


 or just how many Rules of Acquisition there are. (285 if you care to know!)

I am not the only unicorn in existence. We do exist!! So for the nerds out there remember, we’re just like you, only prettier. And for the others… if you don’t have a basic understanding of which order to watch the Star Wars saga… I’m not interested.

2 responses to “Nice Nerds finish last”

  1. What do you expect? Natural selection is predicated first and foremost upon courage in competition, a quality that nice guys do not possess (for whatever reasons).


    1. I can’t believe that to be true. Nice guys haven’t died off completely. Which leads me to believe that somewhere, somehow nice guys are getting the girls and procreating and making the next generation of nice guys! Natural selection woulda killed them off long ago if they weren’t! 😉


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