DC vs. Marvel… I Choose Both!

I finally caught up on Arrow and Agents of Shield after giving up TV for Lent. And upon reading tons of recaps and reviews it seems to me as if people are trying to choose between the 2 shows. Just because they are both about superheroes is no reason to choose between them. It’s a reason to choose both!!!

Awww yeah. “Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.” promo photos

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – This show finally feels like it was always meant to. Like a Joss Whedon show in the Marvel Universe! The agency is in turmoil. Epic heroes are being name dropped on the regular and Agent Maria Hill is finally coming to play or save the day. The story lines are compelling, the characters are moving and the acting is tight!! It is an amazing show, not only because it is finally making use of it’s ties to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but also because of the interpersonal relationships between Coulson’s team.

The introduction of Bill Paxton’s character John Garrett has brought a whole new level of fun and mystery and general bad-assery! This show went from fairly enjoyable to utterly unmissable overnight!! So now’s the time to catch up because it’s only gonna get better and better! (Also remember when Agent Ward finally became super hot!! Yeah that happened too!)


ARROW!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel an Obsession coming on xD

Arrow – Speaking of hot! (That bar hop thing he does… What??) This show has been good from the get go. But keeps managing to surprise me at every turn. Is Roy good or bad? When will Laurel take the mantel she was meant to wear? And what other epic DC characters will turn up? Greg Berlanti and Geoff Johns are setting the stage for amazing crossover tie ins once Flash hits the screens. And if DC would stop trying to play catch up to Marvel in the movie industry and just throw it’s weight behind the small screen, they could create something unique and amazing.

Marvel Logo DC Comics Logo

I’ve always been a fan of both Marvel and DC. I love Superman and Captain America. I want to watch Avengers and a Justice League movie. There is no choice to be made. And if these shows keep going the way they’re going, the only choice to be made will be which one to watch on Hulu Plus first. So keep it up Agents and vigilantes alike. In a world where DC versus Marvel… everybody wins when you don’t choose a side!!


One response to “DC vs. Marvel… I Choose Both!”

  1. Though I’m a Marvel, and always will be at heart, I completely give credit to DC for producing excellent items when it comes to animated features and television programming.

    For whatever reason Marvel has had a heck of a time coming out with quality television programming for their properties; with the exception of The Incredible Hulk starring Bill Bixby. But how many loyal Marvel purists remember the tragedy that was ‘Generation X’?

    When it comes to animation, I think DC holds the title here too. Though Marvel seems to have a great grasp on motion comics, and the Marvel Knights animated productions are great; DC has been more consistent with their productions.

    I have yet to watch Arrow, but it’s in my Netflix queue…just need to find time to start it up.

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